Comparative evaluation of effectiveness of various humic preparations in cultivation of barley in conditions of radioactive contamination of soils

Автор: Sviridenko D.G., Petrov K.V., Arysheva S.P., Ivankin N.G., Suslov A.A., Semeshkina P.S.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 2 (101), 2023 года.

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According to the results of production tests, a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of various humic preparations (Gumiton, Geoton and Gumistim) and PhosAgro NPK complex fertilizer was carried out when growing barley on radioactively contaminated as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant soddy-podzolic sandy loam soils of Novozybkovsky district of Bryansk region. It is shown that the introduction of PhosAgro NPK complex fertilizer (8:20:30) at a dose of 0.3 tons/ha into the soil increased the grain yield by 39% compared to the control. Despite the high density of soil contamination of 137Cs (up to 634.4 kBq/m2 or 17.1 Ku/km2), the content of 137Cs in grain in all variants of the experiment, including control, remained below the standards of Sanitary Rules and Regulations 2.3.2. 2650-10 (70 Bq/kg). PhosAgro NPK fertilizer reduced the intake of 137Cs in barley grain by 2.8 times compared to the control. Of all humic preparations, Gumiton at a dose of 1 l/ha turned out to be the most effective, both in increasing the yield of barley grain (the increase was 24-29% Gumiton against 12-26.5% when using Geoton (1 l/ha) and 18-27% when using Gumistim, 2 l/ha, respectively), and in reducing the transition of 137Cs to the grain of the crop (the maximum reduction rate is 2.3 times compared to 2.2 times with Geoton and 1.6 times - Gumistim, respectively, due to the dilution effect). Gumiton peat-based organo-mineral complex is the most effective agromeliorant in barley cultivation technologies on radioactively contaminated soils


Gumiton, geoton, gumistim, phosagro npk, barley, yield, soddy-podzolic soil, transition coefficient 137cs

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147241045   |   DOI: 10.17238/issn2587-666X.2023.2.57

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