Comparative assessment in the modeling of cognitive processes based on qualitative information

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In this paper, based on the method of functional and structural analysis of the cognitive process link question-answer and methods of the theory of fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic, a mathematical model of the cognitive process is constructed, taking into account the features of human cognitive activity, by paired comparisons and fuzzy judgments when using qualitative information presented using verbal constructions. Examples are given that illustrate the methodological apparatus of comparative assessment developed on the basis of a mathematical model. An element of novelty is the proposed procedure for checking the fuzzy preference of a number of objects by a selected qualitative feature for unambiguity in the cross-sections of the truth of judgments. The research results can be used to model the processes of research, search, selection, analysis, generalization, and other important components of cognitive activity in neural networks and artificial intelligence.


Fuzzy logic, verbal constructions, paired comparisons, cognitive process, mathematical model

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IDR: 148319983

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