Comparative variety study of maize hybrids of different ecological and geographical origin in the Orel region

Автор: Gurin A.G., Evdakova M.V.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 4 (85), 2020 года.

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Corn in the agricultural sector of the Russian Federation occupies a leading place in terms of the area. The culture is grown both for silage and for grain. In the seed-breeding centers, the research is aimed at creating early-season hybrids of corn of the grain direction of use with quick moisture return to the grain during ripening, as well as drought and cold resistance, adapted in the conditions of the Central Black Earth Region. The undeniable advantage of the hybrids will be resistance to diseases such as Fusarium blight, dust brand, blister smut, stem dieback, southern helminthosporiasis, bacteriosis, etc. Accordingly, the advantage of hybrids will also be to pests, among which the most dangerous is European corn borer, which can cause enormous damage to corn production. The purpose of our experience was to determine the suitability of maize hybrids in the conditions of the Central Black Earth Region, in particular in the conditions of the Orel Region. The studies were carried out in the village Lavrovo, Orel region. In this study, 6 maize hybrids of various ecological and geographical origin were presented, both domestic and foreign breeding centers: Talisman, Sirrius, Epilog, Ross-140 SV, Delfin, Eurostar. Maize maturity index is from 150 to 230. The features of the growth and development of maize hybrids of various ripeness groups were examined. These maize hybrids are suitable for sowing using various technologies such as intensive, classic and NOTILL. Maize hybrids show positive results, despite the fact that the sowing of seeds occurred without treatment with chemical plant protection products and without additional mineral fertilizer. According to the research results, early-ripening maize hybrids of Talisman with FAO 190 and Sirrius with FAO 200, as well as the mid-early hybrid of Epilog corn with FAO 230 can be recommended for sowing. These maize hybrids are characterized by high yields and productivity of crops.


Hybrid, corn, varietal, biometric records, phenological records, productivity of hybrids

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147228873   |   DOI: 10.17238/issn2587-666X.2020.4.3

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