Comparative analysis of public administration in the megapolities of China and Russia

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This research paper provides a comparative analysis of public administration models in the megacities of China and Russia. The focus is on the study of governance structures, policies and methods used in large cities of these countries. The study is based on the analysis of legal documents, statistical data, and interviews with experts in the field of public administration. The results allow us to assess how national characteristics affect the efficiency and specificity of public administration in the conditions of urbanized agglomerations. Understanding these aspects is important for developing recommendations for improving governance practices adapted to the modern challenges of globalization and sustainable urban development.


Public administration, megacities, china, Russia, shanghai, moscow, comparative analysis, innovative technologies, centralization of power, sustainable development

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IDR: 170207295   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-9-4-76-80

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