The Kurchatovsky zaliv of the middle Angara location as a closer analogy of Makarovo-4

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The Paleolithic complexes of the Middle Angara’s region were meanly studied according to contiguous regions. The main problem is concerned with the methodical researches haven’t been done in recent 30 years. The recommencement of dedicated works in Bratsk geoarcheological region let to reconsider the Paleolithic materials have been got for all time of researches. The specific of studying the paleolithic complexes in this region needs to use the lifting materials as the principal source. The main condition of full comprehension is studying of stratified objects are let to attribute the lifting collections to specific geological secessions sediments. The Kurhatovsky Zaliv was found in 1976. Due to periodical researches the representative collection of stone products has been got since that time. This collection bases on lifting materials. But due to similar characteristics of finds from the bore pits, the lifting materials could be related to geological deposits. According to preliminary examination the cultural layers belong to Kargin's interglaciation previously. In results of the experimental radiocarbon dating the date 40127±2423 (NSKA-(s391)) has been got. The typological analysis showed that the Kurhatovsky Zaliv industry has upper Paleolithic view. The technique of the first splitting is strictly laminate. The tools are made principally from plates. The end scrapers have numerical superiority among the tools. There are specific sharp tips with flattened nozzles in the collection too. The results of the analysis of stone industry let to maintain the Kurchatovsky Zaliv location to be the analogy of Makarovo-4 in the up-river Lena.


The middle angara, upper paleolith, lifting material, bratsk geoarcheological region, makarov's stratum, the first splitting, set of tools

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