Strategies of structuring thematic space of text

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The article considers strategies of structuring thematic space of text in the context of use of modern information technology. Broaching a range of problems urgent in the 1960-1990s is connected with the new opportunities of experimental linguistics that uses a technology of research activities networking (network science). Modern network technologies make it possible to analyze not only the result of an informant’s experimental activity, but also its process itself, thus allowing for creation of an online model of cognitive activity. The study is based on the experimental method of thematic mapping of text, used in psycholinguistic research since 2004, which made it possible to compare the potential and results of applying the method under two experimental conditions: a conventional experiment and an experiment with network technologies. The data obtained in the pilot study (wording of the topic and micro-topics; words / blocks of text attributed to the micro-topics by informants; assignments timing showing all the informants’ actions accurate to the second, etc.) have been used to construct models of structuring thematic space of text by several groups of informants picked out on the basis of the analyzed material.


Topic of text, thematic space of text, thematic mapping of text, structuring strategies, an online model, information system semograph, local micro-topics, prevailing micro-topics, analytical cognitive style, synthetic cognitive style

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IDR: 14729336

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