Strategies of investment portfolio management in the Russian market in the context of changing geopolitical risks

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Nowadays, investment portfolio risk management is becoming particularly important due to increasing threats to the national economy. The events of 2022, including sanctions and geopolitical uncertainty, resulted in a multitude of negative consequences that affected the financial industry and all market actors - businessmen, investors, and citizens. However, sanctions have also shaped the future direction of growth of the Russian economy, pointing to the importance of addressing key challenges. This challenging environment has not only brought challenges, but also provided an opportunity to gain experience that can be applied in the future. This study is based on a comprehensive methodological approach that combines qualitative and quantitative analysis to provide an objective view of the current state of investment management in the face of economic instability. The article examines how geopolitical tensions affect investor decisions and market trends in Russia, analyzes the potential risks and opportunities that this specific climate can offer. The article conducts a thorough market analysis using data from major financial institutions and market analysts. Special attention is paid to innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence and their role in modern investment strategies. The analysis reveals that traditional investment strategies are undergoing major changes in response to current challenges. Strategies that provide flexibility and diversification are coming to the fore, allowing investors not only to protect but also to increase their capital even in volatile environments.


Investment strategies, geopolitical risks, securities market, financial instability, risk management, portfolio diversification, artificial intelligence

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IDR: 148328303   |   DOI: 10.18137/RNU.V9276.24.01.P.093

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