National security strategy of the Russian Federation in the context of Eurasian integration and the crisis of international relations

Автор: Bagdasarjan Susanna Dzhamilovna, Grishina Tatyana Mikhailovna

Журнал: Власть @vlast

Рубрика: Внешняя политика России

Статья в выпуске: 3, 2024 года.

Бесплатный доступ

Integration of the Eurasian space for the period 1991-2023 has become a priority direction of the strategy of the Russian Federation in the construction of interstate entities and building international relations in the modern period. The formation of the concept of Russian national security in the context of growing global threats and challenges is becoming the most complex instrument of geopolitical interaction in the region. In the article, the authors continue the study of the post-Soviet Eurasian space, integration processes, in which the Russian Federation occupies a leading position.

Integration, national security strategy, eurasian post-soviet space

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170205586   |   DOI: 10.24412/2071-5358-2024-3-40-46

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