The structure of private forensic methodology: history of formation and development prospects. Part II

Автор: Makarenko Ilona Anatolievna, Eksarhopulo Alexey Alekseevich, Zaynullin Ruslan Ildarovich

Журнал: Правовое государство: теория и практика @pravgos

Рубрика: Криминалистика. Судебно-экспертная деятельность

Статья в выпуске: 1 (55), 2019 года.

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Contemporary forensic methodology completes the course of forensics, giving its recommendations exclusively to the subjects of preliminary investigation and taking its own place in the system of science with its relatively isolated subject and cognitive means. Among its basic provisions, first of all one can distinguish the structure of private forensic methodology. Today, it is obvious that the study and analysis of legal science historical achievements and the practice of fighting crime, which have become the basis for solving preliminary investigation tasks, and, on this basis, the definition of prospects for the private forensic methodology development are urgent. The basic element of any private (typical) method of investigation is its structure, because it expresses the most rational sequence of the investigator’s work in a criminal case. The structure has a direct practical meaning; it assists the implementation of theoretical provisions and practical recommendations of science, ensuring the most effective organization of investigative work


Forensic methodology, historical background, structure of the private forensic methodology, investigation of certain types of crimes, formation of forensic methodology, investigation stages

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