The structure and stocks of humus substances of agrochernozyom in the conditions of the main processing of the soil

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In field experiments in the conditions of Krasno-yarsk forest-steppe the assessment of influence of resource-saving technologies of the main pro-cessing on the structure and stocks of humus sub-stances in agrochernozyom clay and illuvial is giv-en. The research was conducted in wheat agrocenosis on 3 blocks of the main processing: I - dump plowing of PN-5-35 on the depth of 23- 25 cm; II - the minimum processing with diskator BDSh-5.6 on the depth of 13-15 cm; III - zero pro-cessing (direct crops by a seeder "Agrator" 4.8). It was shown that in the humus of agrochernozyom the connections making fund of stable humus pre-vailed. In the conditions of dump plowing and zero processing 87-86 % of Sgumus stocks in 0-20 cm layer fall to their share. The minimum processing promoted the increase in stable connections of hu-mus to 89 %. Mobile humus substances passing into a liquid phase had a low share - 11-15 %. By the researches it was established that Sgumus's stocks in 0-20 cm agrochernozyom layer gradually decreased among processings: zero (93 t/hectare) - minimum (86 t/hectare) - dump (84 t/hectare). On stocks of mobile humus substances types of the main processing were distributed in the following decreasing row: zero (13 t/hectare) - dump (11 t/hectare) - minimum (9 t/hectare). The replace-ment of dump plowing by resource-saving technol-ogies of the main processing caused the tendency of increase in stocks of humus in a root layer of agrocenosis of wheat for 2 % in case of the mini-mum processing and for 10 % on zero background. The change of the quantity of mobile components of humus in the conditions of soil-protective tech-nologies had identical size, but various orientations. Zero processing promoted the increase of stocks of mobile humus for 19 % in comparison with dump plowing, minimum, on the contrary, defined similar losses of this fraction and replenishment of stocks of stable humus for 5 %. By the researches it was established that the replenishment of stocks of Shumus was followed by the growth of alkalihydrolysable compounds. This regularity is most shown against zero processing of the soil where the content of carbon of mobile humus sub-stances drawn by alkaline hydrolyzate authentically correlated with Sgumus's maintenance on layers (r = 0.93).


Mold-board plowing, minimal tillage, zero tillage, humus, mobile humus, agrochernozyom

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IDR: 140224275

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