Judicial procedures in the 1st half of the XV century

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In work analyzes all seven Muscovite judicial acts of first half of the XV century, preserved in full in the original and copies. In focus of author's attention are judicial procedures, applied in the consideration of contentious cases, their juridical and social sources, the dependence of judicial procedures from the nature of the cases and venue clauses. Studying this side of interaction between society and the state in the face of its authorities is important for understanding social processes in the formation of a single Muscovite state. Herewith study of judicial procedures is not considered depending on the personality of judges and political processes that took place in the first half of the XV century. Considering questions of emergence of procedure «report», consideration of contest «on the ground», the nature of the submitted evidence. The present work is a continuation of the author's research on the history of medieval law.


Court, law, process, middle ages, judicial act, judicial proce dure

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147219175

IDR: 147219175

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