Suicide and psychiatry: the suicidal person is more likely to be ill or rather healthy. Reflections on the psychiatric qualification of suicide, awareness of actions and the truth of intentions

Автор: Merinov Alexey Vladimirovich, Shishkova Irina Mikhailovna, Emec Natalia Anatolievna, Novichkova Anastasia Sergeevna, Kosyreva Angelina Vladimirovna

Журнал: Суицидология @suicidology

Статья в выпуске: 1 (54) т.15, 2024 года.

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The results of the senior medical students’ answers the question: "Does a person who commits suicide necessarily suffer from any kind of mental disorder?" served as a starting point to this work. The number of positive responses tended to reach 100%. Suicidal behavior for many people is a frightening, odious and mysterious topic, which in no way is able to characterize a mentally healthy person. The purpose of the work is to assess the presence of a psychiatric or narcological disorder (established or suspected) and its possible impact on suicide (or attempt) by analyzing fairly common clinical cases in practice.

Suicidology, auto-aggressive behavior, psychiatric autopsy, psychological autopsy, suicide with-out suicide, parapsychotic suicide, psychotic pseudosuicide, true psychotic suicide, psychotic induced suicide, transformational psychotic suicide


Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140304501   |   DOI: 10.32878/suiciderus.24-15-01(54)-105-142

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