«Suicidal passport territory» as a stage of development of the system for suicide prevention

Автор: Zotov P.B., Rodyashin E.V.

Журнал: Суицидология @suicidology

Статья в выпуске: 4 (13) т.4, 2013 года.

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For the development of differentiated suicide prevention programs, a more profound assessment of suicidal particular region. A systematic registration of all necessary parameters, directly or indirectly, reflecting and affecting the suicide situation in the region, the authors offer to «suicidal passport territory». It includes 4 main categories: 1. Characteristic suicidal situation territory (the number of attempted and completed suicide; their characteristics). 2. Interdepartmental system for suicide prevention (products) inventory of facilities and services able to provide assistance with suicidal behavior. 3. Leading specialists (professional environment). 4. Preventive work (educational work, scientific conferences and other). The systematic design of such a passport, for example, on the model of the preparation of annual reports, enable dynamic observation of the region, to assess the effectiveness of preventive and remedial work.


Suicide, account of suicide, suicide prevention, suicidal passport

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140141409

IDR: 140141409

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