Binding substance at technology of briquetting of municipal solid waste

Автор: Vladimirov Sergey, Ermakova Lidiya, Patrikeev Igor

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Технические науки

Статья в выпуске: 5 (6), 2016 года.

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Disposal of solid waste by briquetting method is a new approach to the important task of waste disposal. This method consists of homogeneous packing of garbage into separate briquettes. This can significantly reduce the amount of waste. Pre-sorting allows you to defer components that will go for recycling. After packaging waste produced molding materials, which subsequently reduces their total volume even more and makes transportation easier. Briquetting of solid waste is a complex physical and mechanical process of the interaction of the separated solids. One of the important issues in the technology of briquetting is the choice of binder, which must meet some essential requirements: have a good bonding ability and to give briquettes of sufficient strength for their small consumption; to have good sintering properties and to give the pellets the necessary thermal stability during combustion; to be resistant to moisture; quickly harden and give the briquettes stability in summer; to be harmless and not expensive component. Studies on the briquetting of MSW were carried out using the following adhesives: hot melt; a mixture of sand and concrete; bitumen; silicone compounds. According to the tentative data, the consumption of the binder is 7% by weight of the briquette, which is based on the weight of binder, will be equal to 80 kg for briquette 1 solid waste that is not significantly on the final weight of the product (briquette). The addition of a binder in the briquetting process improves the strength characteristics of the briquette solid waste. This is achieved in that the binder penetrates into the voids, filling them and tying fractions of MSW between them.


Solid waste, recycling, briquetting

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IDR: 14112337

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