Properties of DNA research objects that determine the possibility of realizing the goals and objectives of genetic expertise

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Introduction. The article discusses the features of obtaining criminalistically significant information in the process of expert examination of human and animal tissues and secretions. Based on the analysis of the properties of the deoxyribonucleic acid molecule and its functional significance, the identification and diagnostic capabilities of the production of genetic expertise that contribute to solving the tasks of law enforcement agencies in the disclosure and investigation of serious and especially serious crimes are considered. Consideration of the methodological features of working with biological objects of research allowed us to come to a reasonable opinion that the general object of research of genetic expertise is "biological material as a potential carrier of DNA." The grounds for the termination of the production of genetic expertise based on the results of the analysis of the results of the initial stage of DNA isolation in the presented research objects are structured.


Traces of biological origin, molecular genetic examination, dna analysis, object, goals and objectives of genetic examination

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IDR: 143183363   |   DOI: 10.55001/2312-3184.2024.76.41.014

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