Taxonomic composition and distribution of social and potter wasps in Orhon-Selenga depression (Northern Mongolia)

Автор: Buyanjargal B., Abasheev R.Yu., Dorzhiev Ts.Z.

Журнал: Природа Внутренней Азии @nature-inner-asia

Рубрика: Монголия

Статья в выпуске: 1 (1), 2016 года.

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This is annotated list was compiled on our materials collected since 2011 for 2015 years in Orkhon-Selenginsky depression (Northern Mongolia). Also based on the synthesis of all of the currently available bibliographical information on systematic composition of social and solitary wasps (Vespidae) this region. In list given specifies the place of registration for each species in Mongolia, also the total worldwide distribution. Taxonomic composition of vespid wasps represented the 17 genera of 3 subfamilies, 60 species of vespid wasps in Mongolia in this area. Subfamily Eumeninae is 77.7% of the fauna the Orkhon-Selenginsky depression, the Vespinae - 13,3%, the Polistinae - 10%.In subfamily Eumeninae the most representative genera are: Ancistrocerus - 11 / 23,9%, Eumenes - 9 / 19.5%. Other genus constitute 56.6%, including the genus Stenodynerus - 4/8,7%, Symmorphus - 4/8,7%, Euodynerus - 4/8,7%, Onychopterocheilus - 3/6,5%, Pseudepipona. - 3/6,5%, Odynerus - 3/6.5% а^ the remaining 6 genera represented by one species: Discoelius, Gymnomerus, Allody-nerus, Pterocheilus, Antepipona, Katamenes that add up to 13.04% of the total fauna of the territory. This species list of vespid wasps of Orkhon-Selenga depression (Northern Mongolia) is not complete, because the taiga and alpine ridges belt have not been covered by studies.


Social and solitary wasps, species composition, orc-hon-selenginsky depression, northen mongolia

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148318060   |   DOI: 10.18101/2542-0623-2016-1-69-95

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