The taxonomy of species of the genus Medicago L. (Fabaceae lindl.) flora of Azerbaijan and micromorphological traits of seeds of some species

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As a result of the studies, some changes were made to the taxonomy of the genus Medicago L. of modern Flora of Azerbaijan and the species of the genus are classified not in 4, but in 7 sections. The types grouped in each section were characterized by general constant morphological features. It was established that 17 spe- cies of the genus Medicago L were spread in Azerbai- jan. The information on the systematization, bioecological features of the sort and results of research of micromorphological features of seeds of views with disputable systematic classification was provided in the study For the first time under an electronic microscope (SEM) the micromorphology of seeds of 9 types of the sort Medicago L has been studied studied (M. littoralis,M. rigidula, M. truncatula, M. arabica, M. minima, M. polymorpha, M. meyeri, M. orbicularis, M. lupulina), be- longing to 3 sections (Spirocarpos, Orbiculares, Lupularia). The status of some types of the sort Medicago L. Trigonellinae of the triba of Trifolieae relat- ing to the subtriba was disputable, however, various form of seeds, the size and various color allowed to give independent status to these types...


Medicago, трибa, flora, triba, genus, taxon, area, biotope

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IDR: 140243339

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