Feasibility study for the organization of street lighting in rural areas of Turkmenistan

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Purpose and objectives of the study. To give a feasibility study for the energy supply (street lighting) of the territory of Turkmenistan, to conduct a statistical analysis of the theoretical and practical inclusion of lighting lamps and their energy efficiency. Methods of calculation. A complex of theoretical calculations and the actual time of switching on and off street lamps were used. Results. Obtaining a calculation for a street lighting object, an assessment of the area at a distance of 14.33 km. A drafted project with a feasibility study shows that the application of photoelectric sensors sensors will detect $843,000. USA. Discussion and conclusions. The high cost is due, first of all, to the use of innovative technologies and, accordingly, the high cost of equipment and devices. The difference of $843,000 will be offset by the absence of energy costs and the use of more economical LED fixtures, which will reduce electricity consumption by 7.5 times or 86.25%. The resulting regression dependence makes it possible to predict the expected values of switching on, the theoretical and actual switching on time of street lamps in hours during the year, it shows an energy efficiency loss of 6.039 hours.


Solar power plants, photomodules, energy efficiency, energy supply, turkmenistan

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147241071

IDR: 147241071

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