The grain technological properties of winter wheat varieties in the forest-steppe zone conditions of the Kemerovo region

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The quality basic technological parameters of the soft winter wheat grain formed in the forest-steppe zone conditions of the Kemerovo region (2008-2012) are considered. It is established that in different years of the growing condition studying, the researched varieties were characterized by the low content of wet gluten, at the average in the years from 21.0% (Kulundinka ) to 22.8 % (Novosibirskaya 40), the protein mass fraction from 10.8 % (Kulundin-ka ) to 11.4 % (Novosibirskaya 40), i.e. they formed the technological properties on the filler satisfactory level.

Soft winter wheat, variety, nature, protein mass fraction, wet gluten mass fraction, gluten quality, vitreous characteristics

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IDR: 14083549

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