Technology of information and analytical maintenance of process of an individual estimation of real estate

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The author examines the practical implementation of first used in the Russian practice of technology information and analytical support for the process of individual and mass valuation of real property, created for the purposes of exemption of real estate for building Olympic facilities in Sochi. The new technology provides the organization with a single assessment of the information center which carries out the direct support of assessments, the issuance of a centralized counterparts, price zoning of territories and control of the results. Concludes that the use of such a system can be an effective tool to combat the crisis in the real estate appraisal, because it reduces subjectivity evaluation corruption component, minimizing the risk of social risks, increased openness, tra nsparency of information, which naturally promotes the formation of the modern civilized market real estate.


Real estate, individual estimation of real estate, information and analytical support, building olympic objects, data processing center, price zoning

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