Text by E.V. Ilyenkov “To the concept of “human body”, as an example of critical thinking

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The article analyzes the systemic nature of E.V. Ilyenkov's critical thinking using the example of understanding experiments and the doctrine of conditioned reflexes by physiologist I.P. Pavlov. Considerable attention is paid to the educational potential of the philosopher's work under study in revealing the socio-historical nature of the psyche. The work is interdisciplinary in nature, written at the intersection of philosophy, psychology and pedagogy.

Morphophysiology, psychology, psyche, conditioned reflex, anthropomorphization, naturalization of the psyche, i.p. pavlov

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170207199

IDR: 170207199   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-9-3-115-118

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