The temperature of the xylem of pine trunk (Pinus sylvestris L.) in suburban forests of Arkhangelsk

Автор: Kilyusheva N.V., Feklistov P.A., Kilyushev A.Y., Ovsyannikova N.V.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Биологические науки

Статья в выпуске: 7, 2016 года.

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The study of heat exchange of plants with the environment is relevant, since one of the main fac-tors determining the development of plants, is the quantity of heat received from the environment as a result of radiation and convective heat transfer, and the thermal characteristics of the vegetation cover can be identified as the most important of the sev-eral tasks. The temperature of pine in the North is poorly studied. In this regard, we have set our-selves the task to investigate the temperature cha-racteristics of the xylem of the trunks of pine. The research was carried out on 10 sample plots, lo-cated in Primorsky district of Arkhangelsk region (Northern taiga subzone). Plots were in blueberries pine forests. The data was achieved on the possi-bility of using temperature as the trunk of trees di-agnostics. This is particularly important when visi-ble signs of weakening are not observed. The re-sults of the study showed that weakened and dry-ing trees were characterized by higher tempera-tures. The observed change in the temperature of the barrel for categories of healthy trees during three summer months, revealed a temperature change depending on the category the sanitary condition of the tree, and from the height mea-surement. A significant impact on the temperature of tree trunks along with other factors provides the degree of attenuation, to be implemented through changing the parameters of the water current on the trunk of the tree. Just consider the influence of tree age on the temperature of the barrel. The re-duction of temperature at the root collar and the temperature at chest height with increasing age of trees was revealed.


Temperature of the trunk, the neck of the root, category of state, pine tree, the age of the tree

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14084754

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