Trends of eco-innovative development of vertically integrated companies in the raw materials sector of the economy

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The article presents the results of the review of scientific research in the field of the impact of innovation processes of individual territories on the welfare of the population, as well as the contribution of large industrial enterprises to the innovation potential of the country. It is concluded that currently the majority of vertically integrated companies are the strongest polluters of the environment and, therefore, their innovative development programs must necessarily include environmental innovations. The article proposes the concepts of s-innovation and v-innovation. Proposed stages of eco-innovation development of vertically integrated companies of Russia, highlights the development trends, the conclusion about the gradual transition of enterprises to the second level of the innovative horizon that assumes full application of best available technologies.


Environmental innovations, innovative development, vertically integrated companies, environmental pollution, best available technologies

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142222719   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.920

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