Theoretical and practical aspects of the development of anti-crisis management models of enterprises of automobile transport

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Road transport enterprises are the most important socio-economic actors of the country's economy, ensuring its development and security. Therefore, it is important for both the state and other stakeholders to develop timely anti-crisis management models that take into account the specifics of road transport enterprises, which will ensure their sustainable functioning and development, even in an unstable environment. This article reviews the theoretical and practical aspects of the development of anti-crisis management models of road transport enterprises, taking into account the industry specifics of their functioning and development. The presented theoretical and practical aspects of the development of anti-crisis management models will improve the efficiency and sustainability of road transport enterprises at the pre-crisis stage of their life cycle. The practical implementation of this approach at the industry level will increase the sustainable functioning and development of the country's economy.


Transport system, economic security, anti-crisis management, anticrisis management models, anticrisis and rehabilitation management, automobile transport

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IDR: 142236148   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.2437

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