Theoretical basis of the budget credit

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In this article, the author examined the theoretical foundations of a budgetary loan. Modern conditions for economic development require a balance in the budgetary system of the Russian Federation. It is impossible to deny the urgent need to search for additional financial resources to solve the problem of deficit budgets. Often, public authorities are unable to cope with the tasks assigned to them due to the lack of their own revenue base. Not always, a lack of own funds can lead to financing on a repayable basis. However, in some cases they have to resort to such forms of additional financing as budget loans. The author emphasized that the budgetary system of the Russian Federation at the present stage of economic development is characterized by a high level of “debt load”, also emphasized that this is often due to the unqualified policy of regional levels of government. The author emphasized that many leading economists associate problems in the country’s budgetary sphere with the unfinished process of transferring expenditure powers to the lower levels of budgets. Concluding the study, the author emphasized that it is advisable to abandon lending to regions at the expense of the federal budget, as well as to restructure budget loans for a period sufficient for their real repayment.


Budget deficit, budget credit, budget balance

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142225173   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.1502

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