Theories of economic growth in the context of global development

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The theories of economic growth in the context of global development are considered. The generalization of theoretical and practical approaches to understanding economic growth made it possible to interpret it as a quantitative and qualitative improvement of the process of social reproduction in the organic unity of the constituent elements, the growth of the economic power of the country and the expansion of the ability of the economy to meet the needs of the population in various goods. We defined outstripping economic growth as such, the rate of which was 2-3 times higher than the corresponding indicator of developed countries. It is based on the structural and technological renewal of priority sectors of the economy, taking into account post-industrial trends and the reorientation of growing investment flows. Its basis and driving force is the humanization of the economy, and the goal is to improve the welfare of the population. A comparative analysis of economic growth made it possible to identify 6 groups of national models of countries that developed rapidly in the long term. At the same time, the analysis of current development trends and foreign experience made it possible to identify the main features of the latest economic growth strategies: the strategy of catching up growth, outstripping growth, inclusion strategy, innovation strategy. The common features of these strategies are the use of the latest types of production based on intelligence, the development of new industries, and the active use of human resources.


Economic growth, innovation strategy, long-term period, investments, production, intelligence, industry, analysis, development, mechanism

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IDR: 142241431   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.3416

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