Theory of information and computer support of criminalistic activity: concept, system, basic patterns

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Introduction: the article deals with the problems of the formation of the theory of information and computer support of criminalistic activities. The author’s negative position on the name “electronic criminalistics” is specified, the unity of criminalistics as a science with its own subject, system, tasks, objects is emphasized. It is noted that digitalization of criminalistic activities does not include the formation of information-digital environments for pre-trial production, since the formation of such an environment is a separate interdisciplinary task, but not a task of criminalistics. Materials and methods: based on the methodology of criminalistics, including methods of dialectical and formal logic, general scientific and special methods of criminology, a methodological basis for the theory of information and computer software for criminalistics is developed, the basic principles of the theory of information and computer software for criminalistics are systematized and considered...


Information-computer software theory, concept, criminalistic activity, digitalization, subject of theory, system of theory, digital traces, basic patterns

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IDR: 143168227   |   DOI: 10.24411/2312-3184-2019-00019

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