Theory of nonparametric systems. Control-I

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The author presents the information about the nonparametric control theory of discrete-continuous processes, in particular, the theory of control duality and nonparametric theory of adaptive systems. The question about the place of the nonparametric systems theory in the general theory of control is discussed. The paper offers new closed schemes of non-parametrical control systems. The main idea is in И-regulators design, that represents a prototype of the inverse operator of the object. The peculiarity of its search is motivated with the fact that a type of the object is unknown. It is restored on the basis of the «input-output» observations of the variables process. The nonparametric algorithms of dual control are given. The problems of the mathematical problems statements of modeling and control in the conditions of non-parametric uncertainty are discussed. The problems of variables control characterizing the state of the process are specially are analyzed. Some control algorithms are discussed and the computational results of experiments are presented.


Priori information, discrete and continuous process, dual control, nonparametric algorithms of control, adaptive control

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148177080

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