Heat and power complex as an element of the regional innovation system

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The purpose of the article is to present the architecture of the innovation system and the location of the heat and power complex in it, showing its specificity at four levels: global, supranational, national and regional. The research methods used the systematization and generalization of theoretical aspects of the role and essence of the regional innovation system, the concept of which is based on the assumption that the sources of innovation in the economy should be sought in the networks of dependencies between enterprises, the public sector, universities and other auxiliary institutions. As the results, it is necessary to highlight the justification that each of the subjects of interaction within the framework of the regional innovation system can have a significant impact on stimulating the development of innovations, while the significance of the heat and power complex is shown. It is substantiated that a developed system of innovations in the heat and power complex will be more effective if its structure is based not on institutions (understood as strictly semantic organizations), but on relations, mechanisms, methods and principles of joint actions. It is shown that the regional innovation system should create the basis for the functioning of the heat and power complex, formulating the standards that state and regional authorities should follow when planning and implementing an innovation strategy, taking into account the value system, cultural system, level of knowledge and skills of a given country and region. In the regional dimension of the innovation system, the factor that stimulates innovation is economic freedom, which stimulates competitiveness and promotes high productivity of the heat and power complex. When formulating recommendations for the creation and operation of a regional heat and power complex, one should be guided by the Marshall concept, taking into account five innovative premises.


Innovation, heat supply, energy resources, modernization, strategists, government policy, knowledge, skills, power plants, heat energy, environment

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142229963

IDR: 142229963

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