Heat engines for life safety

Автор: Karpovich E.V.

Журнал: Агротехника и энергообеспечение @agrotech-orel

Рубрика: Перспективные проекты

Статья в выпуске: 2 (19), 2018 года.

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The article touches upon the problems of ensuring the safety of human life in the technosphere and its protection from the negative effects of anthropogenic origin in terms of population growth and concentration of its material wealth in relatively limited areas. The priority of ensuring the safety of life is argued, especially in the case of attempts to evenly settle the entire territory of our country in contrast to the current situation with the localization of the main part of the population in large industrial centers. It stipulates the need to base the safety of life on high-quality technical equipment in order to make people feel completely protected anywhere in the country in absolutely every possible situation. It is shown that one of the most important roles to ensure the safety of life can play a variety of heat engines. The search for new solutions in this area and the development of new concepts has been very successful and widespread throughout the world. The article considers, analyzes and summarizes modern technical solutions for the use of thermal engines to improve the safety of life in large cities and rural areas. The attention is paid to the possibilities of their production by mechanical engineers in private workshops and in industrial production. The reasons for the demand, relevance and application of the developed technical projects and designs are described.


Relevance, mechanical engineer, jet engine, internal combustion engine, life safety, modern technical solutions, mechanical workshops, locksmith training

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147229179

IDR: 147229179

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