Typology of the archetype "mother" in the socio- economic concept of N. V. Shelgunov (for the 200th anniversary of the culturologist, teacher, publicist and economist)

Автор: Suvorkina E.N.

Журнал: Культура и образование @cult-obraz-mguki

Рубрика: Теория и история культуры

Статья в выпуске: 3 (54), 2024 года.

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The article analyzes the specifics of the phenomenon of «Russian mothers», its typology proposed by N. V. Shelgunov. The analysis is not of a single industry nature, which is due to the ideological position of the publicist, the basic components of which are: socio political ideology, economic context and the national question. Only a detailed study of these components will make it possible to interpret other subject phenomena within the framework of his concept, which are interrelated. The typology of russian mothers is represented by five types. But despite the emphasized national position, including the use of the zoomorphic image «bear», it can also be applied to characterize mothers of other nationalities. Including in connection with purely economic concepts labor, property, slavery, exploitation. The concept of N. V. Shelgunov within the framework of the analysis of one of the planes of the «child adult» relationship as «master slave», where the mother is the first slave, continues to be relevant, which poses a potential threat to society.


N.v.shelgunov, mother, russian mothers, child, upbringing, «child - adult», slavery, labor

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144163225

IDR: 144163225   |   DOI: 10.2441/2310-1679-2024-354-5-13

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