Commodity exchange and its role in the transaction sector

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The theoretical component of the transaction sector is investigated, the lack of a clear state policy on the development of sectors is indicated, and the insufficient basis for classifying public production into sectors is revealed. The dynamics of the structure of gross value added in the transformation and transaction sectors is shown, where the share of the transaction sector tends to decrease. Trends in the types of economic activity in the transactional sector, where the main positions belong to trade, real estate operations, public administration and military security, and social security, are identified. The share of commodity exchange or trading activity in the transaction sector is gradually decreasing. The dynamics of the branches of trade activity, where there was a decrease in all positions: wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles. In General, wholesale trade creates most of the gross value added. The dynamics of gross output of trade in General output, where there was a steady decline in gross output of trade. We analyzed the dynamics of the structure of gross output of trade, where there are obvious changes in the direction of increasing the creation of intermediate consumption. In General, the dynamic development of the transaction sector and the declining role of commodity exchange in it were noted.


Social production, transaction sector, trade activity, gross value added, gross output

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IDR: 142225187   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.1516

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