Traditions and customs as heritage folk psychology

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This article provides a psychological analysis of the reasons for the emergence of traditions, customs, innovations and their functions in public life. The modern psychological understanding of tradition and customs is considered. The work analyzes the reasons for the emergence and renewal of traditions and customs, their place and functions in public life. The author examines in detail issues related to customs and traditions as examples of folk, cultural, spiritual, literary and musical heritage. The attitude and perception of each generation to traditions associated with changes in time since the period of independence of the Kyrgyz people is considered. Traditions and customs are considered in the study as the main factor in the form of education, which are of a universal nature and contain national characteristics in any culture. The author emphasizes that custom is a generalized norm and characteristic of social relations.


Customs, traditions, behavior, morality, public consciousness, national feelings, heritage, rituals, spirituality

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IDR: 170203582   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-3-4-85-89

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