Traditions of leather tannage for production of armour and helmets: historical experience and heritage

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The article reviewes general traditional ways of tannage. The authors analyse a proccess of tannage in different ways. In the studies of mongolists, except studies of Mongolian researchers themselves, the apparent lack of attention was given to the production of technique of making armor and helmets, as well as to the weapons of Mongolian warriors. In modern conditions of the Eurasian world we need to analyze the military successes of the Mongols in the creation of a vast empire Mongol Ikh Uls from new methodological position, show the positive and negative aspects of the development of complex armament of nomads of the Great Steppe. The study seeks to analyze the process of preparation and production of leather armor and weapons by the Mongols of the Middle Ages, to find the main technological methods of this process, to try to adapt the technology of processing and manufacturing of leather products for modern life.


Mongols, tannage, fell, leather, adipose layer, defensive and offensive equipment

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142148223

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