Traditional culture of the Terek Pomors: research and design methods

Автор: Trubnikova K.Yu.

Журнал: Общество: философия, история, культура @society-phc

Рубрика: Культура

Статья в выпуске: 11, 2024 года.

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Currently, the traditional culture of the Tersk coast attracts the attention of local communities, inspiring research and creative activities. However, the preservation of the Terek Pomors’ culture is not only associated with positive achievements, but also involves a number of difficulties. The article describes the characteristic features of the Terek Pomors’ traditional culture in the modern cultural space, identifies its peculiarities and existing approaches to its study and design. At the same time, the traditional culture of the Pomors is understood not so much as a set of archaic phenomena and symbols, as a flexible developing structure. It is concluded that overcoming the problems of its preservation will be facilitated by the realization of an in-depth comprehensive study of the modern culture of the Tersk coast. In addition, the author formulates possible directions for further research.


Pomor culture, pomors, terek pomors, tersk coast, traditional culture, culture of the kola north, cultural memory, preservation of traditional culture

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IDR: 149146686   |   DOI: 10.24158/fik.2024.11.33

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