Traditional and nonconventional religious confessions in modern Mongolia: Buddhism and Christianity
Автор: Abaeva Lubov L., Rinchinova Beligma P.-D.
Журнал: Восточный вектор: история, общество, государство @eurasia-world
Статья в выпуске: 1, 2015 года.
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The process of adaptation of the Mongolian peoples to civilization processes included not only the foundation of state formations in different historical forms, constructing multiform natural house holding economic systems, creation of different systems of writing, but also essential changes in the sphere of traditional religious and mythological world view system that led to the escape of the archaic religious forms (animism, totemism, magic, «shamanism» etc.) from the stage of primitive. We refer to them, first of all, the approval in traditional outlook of the Mongolian peoples as a backbone element of the religion aiming at monotheism which received the name «Tengrism» in scientific literature (from Turkish and Mongolian «tenger» -«the sky»). We find the deepest roots of Tengrism in cosmogonic myths both of the Mongolian and Turkic people. In the course of historical development of these peoples, there is a dual religious and world outlook system («the sky - the earth») as a specific form of social self-organization - streamlining of «objective» in consciousness, at the level of subjective spirit. From the initial space chaos a certain order is born, a picture of religious and world outlook orderliness composes, and also related to it the orderliness of social and natural life.
Traditional and nonconventional confessions, evolution, archaic religious believes, mongolian peoples, tengrism, buddhism, christianity, modern mongolia
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IDR: 148317035