Transformation of the housing and utility management system model in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution

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The article is devoted to research in the field of digital transformation of housing and communal services. The objectives of the work are to improve the decision-making support system to rationalize the management of housing and communal services, as well as to improve the methods of formalized representation of the transformation process of the model of the management system of housing and communal services. The Housing and Utilities Management System Model has six components. The scheme of transformation of the model of the management system of housing and communal services has been developed. The diagram consists of five sectors corresponding to the life cycle stages of the components of the management system model, by analogy with the spiral model of the software life cycle. An algorithm for determining the conditions for transforming the model of the housing and communal services management system has been developed. The algorithm makes it possible to determine the conformity of the control system model to the required wave of digitalization. The operation of the algorithm provides for the possibility of transforming the model of the control system both in the direction of reducing the degree of digitalization and in the direction of increasing it.


Housing and communal services, municipal solid waste, collection and transportation, information system, apartment building, software module, algorithm

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IDR: 142229960

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