Solidphase reactions in film two-layers structures of transion metals

Автор: Semуachkov V.A., Rybakova A.N., Zhigalov V.S., Myagkov V.G.

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Технологические процессы и материалы

Статья в выпуске: 1 (41), 2012 года.

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In this work the authors investigate phase transformations and magnetic properties of film layer-type structures Fe/Pd and CoCr, under heat treatment. The authors show that according to thickness ratio rating of iron vs palladium, generated on substrates from MgO, and according to annealing temperature, two ordered phases are formed in the system - L1 0-FePd(001) and L1 2-FePd 3(001). Examinations of magnetic properties of the phases revealed that the L1 0-phase is high anisotropic and possesses perpendicular anisotropy, and the L1 2-phase is soft magnetic and has high values of saturation magnetization. Along with it the authors show that in CoCr system films there appears a perpendicular anisotropy which is caused by reduction of value of anisotropy form and the fact of texture and film arrangements of hexagonal c-axis of normally to plane of the film. Solid phase synthesis in the system Co-Cr leads to formation of a phase of solid solution of chrome on base of hexagonal cobalt ε-Co(Cr). The obtained results have a scientific, as well as applied value.


Solid phase synthesis, reaction, film, transition metal

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IDR: 148176741

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