J.H. Fuseli's oeuvres in A.V. Mikhailov's theory
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The definition of J.H. Fuseli’s «Silence» (1801) and «Nightmare» (1791) role and place in A.V. Mikhailov’s cultural theory is the milestone of the conducted research. The turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries - time when J.H. Fuseli painted his most prominent and impressive canvases - is a focal point in scientist studies. This moment in cultural history inaugurated fundamental shifts which lead to the great changes in all areas. A.V. Makhailov calls it «the end of «moral-rhetorical system» and reveals in which ways J.H. Fuseli’s oeuvres associated with «epic» antiquity enhanced this cultural process. This research shall demonstrate that besides «epic» antiquity J.H. Fuseli’s paintings made visible it’s «ghost» essence, which equally effected on course of history.
Рубеж xviii-xix вв, cultural studies, antiquity, turn of the xviii-xix centuries, "moral rhetorical system", "sublime", "pictorial-poetic", "enargeia"
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140288160
IDR: 140288160 | DOI: 10.46566/2500-4050_2020_49_84