Military involvement in restoring railway communication in Karelia during the Great Patriotic War

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The following paper considers major aspects of work of railway troops and military troops of the Karelian Front in ensuring the operation and restoring railway communication in Karelia during the Great Patriotic War, including the repair of the railway lines and road infrastructure in the liberated territories; ful provision; allocation of resources (food, clothing etc.); innovations; training railway personnel and operators; disaster management. The author indicates a huge amount of damage during the liberation of the occupied territories and notes that most works were performed by the troops of the Deparment of Military and Reconstruction Operations No. 11 of the People's Commissariat of Railways in coordination with the Military Council of the Karelian Front. Military units took occasional part in the reconstruction. The author concludes that involving military troops allowed bringing the damaged areas of Kirov Railway back in operation within a short period of time...


Great patriotic war, railway transport, recovery, karelia, kirov railway, deparment of military and reconstruction operations

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IDR: 14116944

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