The doctrines of the rule-of-law state in the works of Russian pre-revolutionary state law scientists of the early 20th century

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The doctrines of Russian pre-revolutionary state scientists on the rule-of-law state, which received external manifestation in monographs, dissertations and publications in the periodical legal scientific press of the early twentieth century, hold sway nowadays. The results of the research undertaken by these scientists in the theoretical development of various aspects of the rule-of-law state are of particular interest. In chronological terms, this is the period from the beginning of the twentieth century up to 1917, because later, national state law scientists did not develop the doctrine of the rule-of- law state. At the same time, scientific conclusions formulated in pre-revolutionary researches represent a theoretical basis for understanding the essence of the rule-of-law state in national theory of state and law at the beginning of the twentieth century.


Doctrine, rule-of-law state, monograph, dissertation, russian empire, parliamentarism, constitutionalism, separation of powers

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IDR: 142233920

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