Improving the quality of control of generators of small thermal power plants in conditions of reduced power quality

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The creation of small-capacity combined heat and power plants (CHPs) in industrial boiler house buildings, providing combined production of electrical and thermal energy, makes it possible to increase the efficiency of electrical power production. The above fully applies to the stationary energy sector of railway transport. However, due to the influence of single-phase and nonlinear traction loads, AC railway power supply systems (RPSS) are characterized by reduced power quality in terms of voltage deviations, asymmetry and harmonic distortions. Therefore, to ensure reliable operation of mini-CHP generators, the development of special methods and means is required, as well as the use of effective algorithms for automatic voltage and frequency control. The use of mini-CHP in power supply systems makes it possible to effectively regulate voltage and frequency at load nodes. However, this raises the problem of setting up automatic regulators designed to control the excitation of generators and the rotation speed of turbines. To solve this problem, predictive algorithms can be effectively used, which speeds up the process of commissioning mini-CHP. The article provides a description of models of self-adjusting predictive voltage and frequency regulators of turbogenerator units operating in RPSS with a motor load. The results of computer modeling showed that the use of such regulators improves the processes of regulating parameters in transient modes; at the same time, the quality of electricity is further improved in terms of asymmetry and non-sinusoidality.


Railway power supply system, mini-chp, automatic excitation and speed controllers, predictive algorithms, modeling

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IDR: 146282875

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