The ability to correctly perceive the information space, which makes it possible to provide elderly people with a prosperous existence

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The most important factor in modern society is its information potential and its adequate use, especially for the elderly. An analysis has been carried out on the development of the process of competent provision of information, for this purpose, elderly people develop the ability to prevent the negative impact of the information space by providing proper resistance to negative factors. Insufficient attention is paid to the protection of the elderly from information exposure. There is no systematic work aimed at raising awareness of threats among the elderly. Elderly people are most often exposed to the negative effects of information, misinformation and deception. There is no active policy to ensure their information threat and it is necessary to form a culture of personal information protection for the elderly.


Information impact, old age, information space

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IDR: 170203818   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-2-2-70-74

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