Information component management in the system of economic security of the enterprise

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The article reveals the variety of existing tools in the field of information security management, and proves that each enterprise needs to independently identify and install appropriate applications, depending on needs. In addition, the author argues for the need for an enterprise to take into account the scale of activity, industry, uniqueness of the product and technology, market, financial resources, etc. when developing information security. In particular, it is proved that for business entities that operate in the market of unfair competition, the use of information protection tools is mandatory. Based on the fact that the dependence of the general level of economic security of an enterprise on the information component is becoming more and more obvious, it is proved that the conditions of uncertainty and significant dynamism of the environment require enterprises to introduce information support mechanisms in management systems that would guarantee significant flexibility, openness to the external environment, and the ability to improve in a timely manner. The essence and main components of the information security of the enterprise are defined, the design structure of the information and analytical service is developed and recommendations for improving the level of information security of domestic enterprises are formed.


Security, information, business entity, information security

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142240572   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.3271

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