Managing changes in economic systems at the stage of their digital transformation

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The article attempts to consider the prospects for the implementation of the necessary changes and transformations in the economy at the stage of its digitalization from the standpoint of the laws of economic evolution. The transformation of economic systems in the direction of the development of the digital form of manifestation of economic relations is an urgent problem requiring close attention of researchers and practitioners. The article discusses regulatory processes and their role in the transition to a digital economy. It is shown how a combination of several regulatory mechanisms can affect socio-economic changes in various spheres of society. It is proved that the right choice of management tools determines the pace and duration of the transition period, as well as the effectiveness of the main processes that occur during periods of change. The statistical data and materials characterizing the modern dynamics of the main indicators characterizing the direction and pace of changes in the Russian economy are presented.


Economic systems, economic evolution, governance, digital transformation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142222706   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.815

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