Career management in the context of professional standards implementation and digitalization of the economy: economic and legal aspects

Автор: Tumanov E.V., Kasparov I.V., Bulganina S.V., Prokhorova M.Р., Yashkova N.V.

Журнал: Вестник Алтайской академии экономики и права @vestnik-aael

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 11-1, 2019 года.

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Career management is the process of personnel development. It is carried out in order to improve the efficiency of management personnel, to identify the most qualified and experienced employees to include them in the personnel reserve as an element of career management. Career management should be a planned activity, both in the short, medium and long term. Each company must develop and approve an annual work plan of the personnel Department (or personnel management service) for career management. It is from a well-constructed system of career management depends largely on personnel security of the enterprise. In the context of the introduction of professional standards and the digital economy, career management, especially professional intra-organizational, is the most relevant. The main methods used in writing the article were statistical analysis, decomposition, induction, deduction, graphical method. The author’s definitions of the economic category «career» are systematized in the article. The article analyzes the personnel composition for compliance with the requirements of the professional standard, as well as the functions of personnel management. The motives influencing management both external, and internal career of the personnel are developed. The directions of personnel certification in order to improve the efficiency of career management are proposed. The article complements the type of intra-organizational career.


Career, career management, types of career management, career management functions

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IDR: 142222671   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.805

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