Management of information system development exemplified by regional trading company Tamerlan

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In modern trade enterprises, the productive use of information systems is a necessary tool for competitiveness maintenance and effective management. Along with the traditional automation of business processes, it is relevant to improve the existing information systems of the enterprise, for which it is necessary to make informed, balanced, and optimal decisions. When selecting information systems or software, it is an important to analyze multiple factors, criteria, and alternatives that affect the efficiency and sustainable development of the organization as a whole. Companies in the trade sector often face the problem of isolating their document management systems from the unified information system of the organization, which makes the company vulnerable to competitors. To solve this problem, it is necessary to introduce a more modern and integrated document management system. In this article, the analysis of software products is carried out, and with the help of the method of hierarchy analysis, the choice of suitable software is made according to the suggested requirements. The system is built on the basis of a hierarchical structure in which selection criteria and sub-criteria are defined and compared, and alternatives are established and assessed in accordance with software market trends. As a proof of the suggested concept, its application in the company Tamerlan is given. The concept is universal, as it can be practically implemented in any business context since the criteria and sub-criteria cover most of the needs of any trade organization. In this regard, it can be considered a holistic approach to decision support in the process of software product selection when managing the development of the enterprise information system.


Decision support, trade enterprises, information systems, methods of hierarchy analysis, multifunctional electronic document management

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 149145188   |   DOI: 10.15688/re.volsu.2024.1.19

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