Managing the development of entrepreneurial potential in tourism

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The article discusses approaches to managing the development of entrepreneurial potential in tourism. It has been established that the economic development of the tourism industry can be ensured only by an optimal combination of tourism enterprises of all forms of ownership and sizes. It is proved that the entrepreneurial factor should be put into effect in large tourism companies, their innovative potential should be revived, and prerequisites should be created for a high return on the creative work of managers and specialists. Along with them, new tourist enterprises will arise, which, due to the entrepreneurial spirit of their owners, will create a tourist infrastructure for more powerful enterprises. It is determined that the relentless growth of the influence of the creative behavior of participants in the tourism business on the achievement of its final results requires the justification of a diagnostic assessment of the potential of entrepreneurship. Its practical use will make it possible to make more reasonable recommendations for determining reserves for its conservation and development. It was found out that the potential of entrepreneurship in the tourism industry must be considered as a complex, holistic dynamic system. It is determined that the assessment of entrepreneurial potential should be comprehensive and implement cognitive, statistical and measuring functions, as well as identify typical features of the development of certain forms of entrepreneurship in the tourism industry.


Management, development, entrepreneurship, potential, tourism, system, diagnostics, enterprise, business, innovation

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IDR: 142240609   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.3364

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