Productivity and quality of grain peas in subtaiga zone of Western Siberia

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The results of research of the influence of the main processing of the soil and the application of means of chemicalixation (herbicides, insecticides, growth stimulating preparations) on productivity and quality of grain of peas sowing are presented in the study. The content of heavy metals and re-sidual amount of pesticides in pea’s grain are ana-lyzed. The conducted observations on the influence of various options of the main processing of the soil on a chemical composition of grain of peas on basic elements and protein are ambiguous. The greatest pea’s grain protein content on control was observed at dump processing of the soil (18.99 %). The application of means of chemicalixation con-ducts to increase in the content in protein grain on average by 1.03 %, thus distinctions by options of processing of the soil are leveled. The increase in the content of gross nitrogen, phosphorus and po- tassium was promoted by the use of mineral ferti-lizers. Under the influence of the main processing of the soil the general features of process of ab-sorption and accumulation by seeds of peas of heavy metals that reflects a certain background of their contents in production did not change. On one of options the content of heavy metals in grain of peas did not exceed the established maximum-permissible concentration (MPC). There were small distinctions in receipt levels in plants of heavy met-als in options of application of means of chemicalixation which are generally connected with Cu and CD. In options with the use of fertilizers the small increase in the maintenance of these ele-ments was observed.


Химuческий состав зерна, peas, processing of the soil, chemi-cal composition of grain, productivity, means of chemicalixation, heavy metals content, subtaiga zone

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14084790

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