Yield and quality of spring wheat grain when using nitrogen fertilizers in agrocenoses of the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe

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The research objective was agroecological assessment of the influence of nitric fertilizers on the productivity and quality of spring wheat grain; the substantiation of the methods for efficient application of nitrogen fertilizers in the agrocenoses of the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe (based on “Minino” industrial complex; LLC “Emelyanovskoe”, Emelyanovsky district of Krasnoyarsk Region). The results of studying the influence of nitric fertilizers on the productivity and quality of grain of soft spring wheat Omsk 32 (the influence of the forms of nitrogen fertilizers, the depth of application with local and surface methods) were presented. In field experiment labeled fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, urea, sodium nitrate) were used at a dose of 90 kg/hectare were used. Phosphoric fertilizers were applied in the same dose, potassium fertilizers - 60 kg/ hectare. The formation of spring wheat crop varied significantly depending on the depth of nitrogen fertilizers...


Krasnoyarsk region, krasnoyarsk forest-steppe, spring wheat, nitrogen fertilizers, forms of nitrogen fertilizers, productivity, grain quality, protein, gluten

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140248948

IDR: 140248948   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2020-4-31-36

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